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A Trip Between Two Centuries

Posted on Aug 30, 2021 by in DJ Mix Audio, Fresh Meat Podcast |

Mazi in front of a large tree. weraing a red shirt and blue jeans

I think this episode of Fresh Meat Podcast was published in October of 2016. The following is the original write-up and track list for the show.

We’re all over the spectrum this time. The trip starts in early 90s raveland, jumps back to 80s freestyle by way of 2015, hurls on a spaceship towards the future, and settles somewhere in the amorphous present. There are lots of standout tracks you need to get your hands on. Jessy Lanza and Morgan Geist take us to The Galleria with “Calling Card” – I think playing this track might cause shirts to turn pastel, shoulder pads to materialize out of thin air, and pants to magically turn into overalls. You’ve been warned.

Vince Watson’s “Fragment VI” lifts the spirit while it soothes the mind. This one is a limited vinyl only pressing, so get your copy before they all fly away. DJ Q takes us to “San Frandisco” – a simultaneously smooth and jerky ride. I recorded this show in an apartment 41 miles south of San Francisco and mention this odd fact while introducing Q’s tune. There are too many fantastic tracks to call out one by one, but make sure you check out FaltyDL’s “Hardcourage” long player which includes “Straight & Arrow” which appears in the show. The Black Loops tracks on Toy Tonic are ridiculously good, and that Borderline Insanity Dub Mix of “Flame” is a true underground classic; someone needs to re-release it already.

One quick disclaimer, please don’t take anything I say on the show as absolute truth. I blurt a lot of it out from memory or the quickest of web searches. If any of the things I mention in the show are interesting to you, do the research yourself and let me know what I got wrong. Enjoy.


  1. X-Pansions – Move Your Body (Elevation) Club Mix – Simply 12
  2. The Galleria – Calling Card – Environ
  3. Vince Watson – Fragment VI – Indigo Aera
  4. DJ Q – San Frandisco – Filter
  5. FaltyDL – Straight & Arrow – Ninja Tune
  6. Rick Wade – Wonderful
  7. Al Green – Simply Beautiful (MS Edit)
  8. Black Loops – Cassette 2
  9. Crustation – Flame (Borderline Insanity Dub Mix)
  10. Black Loops – Cassette 7
  11. Earl Jeffers – Pleasure Signal
  12. LMYE – Pays to be Pushed
  13. Hector Couto – Get It On
  14. LMYE – Call 76
  15. Nick Hoppner – Relate (The Black Madonna Remix)
  16. Makam – You Might Lose It (Kerri Chandler Mix)
  17. Rick Wade – Transcendent
  18. Nick Holder – Time (Six Series Dub)
  19. Jerome Hill – Lollypop Lady
  20. Strafe – Set it Off – Jus Born Records